Na Marsa w dwa dni, na Księżyc w 3,6 godziny
Niezwykły prototyp rosyjskiego inżyniera może
być początkiem prawdziwej rewolucji porównywalnej chyba tylko z
wprowadzeniem silnika parowego i silnika spalinowego. W 2009 roku
Władymir Leonow opublikował wyniki testów jakie przeprowadził na
silniku kwantowym, którego prototyp ma być 5 tysięcy razy bardziej
efektywny silnika rakietowego.
Jak twierdzi Leonow prace nad projektem wciąż
nie wyszły poza etap prototypów, jednakże w czerwcu 2014 roku
udało się osiągnąć niezwykłe wyniki: ważący zaledwie 54
kilogramy silnik był w stanie zużywając 1kW energii elektrycznej
wystartować z przyspieszeniem 10-12g i osiągnąć ciąg o wartości
500-700 kilogramów-siły.
Sam Leonow twierdzi, że jego odkrycie dokona
prawdziwej rewolucji w świecie, jego silniki zużywają ułamek
energii potrzebnej tradycyjnym silnikom odrzutowym, ponadto zwiększy
się maksymalna prędkość jaką będzie on w stanie osiągnąć. W
przetłumaczonym na język polski wywiadzie utrzymuje on, że statek
kosmiczny z nowym napędem będzie w stanie osiągnąć prędkość
1000 km/s (przy 18 km/s „zwykłej” rakiety), co oznacza, że czas
lotu na Marsa skróci się nawet do 42 godzin, podczas gdy na Księżyc
będziemy w stanie dolecieć już w 3,6 godziny.
Brzmi niesamowicie? To nie wszystko, również na
Ziemi loty staną się znacznie bardziej opłacalne a przy tym
szybsze, nowy rodzaj samolotu będzie w stanie pokonać trasę z
Moskwy do Nowego Jorku w godzinę (teraz leci ok. 10 godzin)
zużywając przy tym tak znikomą ilość paliwa, że tankować
będzie musiał co kilka lat.
W końcu samochody – one również się zmienią,
ich żywotność niezwykle wręcz wzrośnie,osiągając 50-100 lat,
do tego wyposażone w poduszkę antygrawitacyjną zaczną latać.
Fantastyka? Leonow twierdzi, że jego prototyp
jest jak najbardziej prawdziwy i technologia ta leży w zasięgu
ręki, twierdzi też, że ma ona stać się motorem do nowego rozwoju
gospodarczego Rosji. Czy tak sie stanie?
Wyniki jego testów można obejrzeć na blogu
Leonowa – Quantum
Results of the tests of a quantum engine for generating thrust without the ejection of reactive mass
the book Leonov V. S. Quantum Energetics. Volume 1. Theory of
Superunification. Cambridge
Science Publishing, 2010, pp. 694-689.

Results of the tests of a quantum engine for generating thrust
without the ejection of reactive mass
Up to
now, the reactive method was the only method of producing thrust in
vacuum. It is based on the ejection from the nozzle of reactive mass
during the combustion of fuel in the jet engine. It is considered
that the gas pressure during the combustion of fuel acts on the
internal walls of the jet engine and produces thrust. The thrust
momentum is proportional to the speed and mass of the fuel ejected
from the nozzle.
attempts have been made to produce thrust without the ejection of
reactive mass. These were purely empirical attempts within the
framework of the existing knowledge. Without having clear theoretical
substantiation, it was impossible to create such an engine. The point
is that in accordance with the third Newton’s law, when effective
force is equal to the counteracting force, thrust is created with
repulsion from another mass or body. The wheels of an automobile are
repulsed from the road surface. In the jet engine, the thrust is
created as a result the ejection of reactive mass, as if being
repulsed from this mass. Air and hydraulic screws, screwing into the
air and hydraulic medium, reject the mass of this medium, being
repulsed from it.
is it possible to be repulsed from vacuum? The theory of
Superunification asserts this is possible by considering space vacuum
as the elastic quantised medium (quantised space-time) from which it
is possible to be repulsed. This is the unique weightless medium
which has not analogs in nature and whose structure is described for
the first time in the theory of Superunification. It is shown that
the weightless quantised space-time penetrates through all ponderable
bodies. In this case, all ponderable bodies are the composite and
indissoluble part of the weightless quantised space-time. The mass of
a body is formed as a result of the spherical deformation (bending
according to Einstein) of the weightless quantised space-time by
elementary particles which form part of the body. In this case the
mass of the body is the component part of the elastic quantised
medium, its energy cluster. Mass, as a gravitational charge, is a
secondary formation in the quantised space-time.
known methods of producing thrust are based on the external action
with the repulsion from the known media. In this case all known
apparatuses for the thrust generation must be treated as closed
quantum-mechanical systems. In accordance with the theory of
Superunification, the quantum engine is an open quantum-mechanical
system when thrust is created inside the body of the operating unit
(activator) of the quantum engine. To create thrust without the
ejection of reactive mass it is necessary to switch over to the open
quantum-mechanical systems, treating quantised space-time as an
elastic quantised medium. Consequently, it is possible “to push
away” from such an elastic quantised medium thus generating thrust.
In this case, there are no contradictions with third Newton’s law,
whose fundamentality is thoroughly checked, and is completely
confirmed by the theory of Superunification. The reader should refer
to the section 3.5.3. Simple quantum-mechanical effects, and also to
patent [9].
very process of creating the thrust inside the operating unit of the
quantum engine is connected with Einstein’s ‘bending’ of the
quantised space-time. Based on the positions of the theory of
Superunification, the Einstein distortion effect of space-time looks
like the real deformation of the elastic quantised medium inside the
operating unit of the quantum engine [9]. This deformation produces
the redistribution of the quantum density of the medium inside the
body of the operating unit of the quantum engine. This leads to the
appearance of gradient thrust forces inside the operating unit. Thus,
for the first time gravity and inertia are controlled. This again
confirms the fundamentality of Einstein’s theory that against the
basis of gravity is the bending of the quantised space-time.
It is
natural that the control of gravity on the global scale is not
possible at the moment. The perturbing mass of the Earth is required
to obtain the strength of the gravitational field of 1g (acceleration
in the terrestrial gravitational field) in pure vacuum. This
deformation of the outer space free from the external source is is
associated with colossal power consumption.
here the deformation of the quantised space-time in the local region
inside the operating unit (activator) of the quantum engine already
corresponds to energy which is spent by the body on its acceleration.
In this case the classical law of energy conservation. Deformation of
vacuum takes place in the body of the operating unit of the quantum
engine which actively interacts with the vacuum medium which
penetrates the body. The internal thrust force appears inside the
body of the operating unit. This is not external repulsion as in the
jet engine, it is internal repulsion. Therefore, without having new
knowledge, it was not possible in the pas to analytically predict
such processes and effects.
the theory of Superunification goes further and differs from the
classical theory by the fact that it is the very strongly developed
quantum theory which operates with the already superstrong
electromagnetic interaction (SEI) as the basic, previously unknown
energy source in the universe. For comparison, the classical theory
forbids motion without the ejection of reactive mass, whilst the
theory of Superunification permits this motion. It is gratifying that
during motion with acceleration regimes form inside the quantised
space-time in which deceleration is observed during energy
regeneration. With recuperation the spent energy returns and can be
used for the second time. Such regimes are used in the hybrid
circuits of automobiles with electric transmission. The kinetic
energy of a moving automobile with its braking is restored and
returns to the energy accumulator – the storage battery. With the
acceleration of the automobile the stored energy is used for the
second time. In this case, the fuel consumption in the regimes of
frequent acceleration and braking is sharply reduced. Inertia
possesses a remarkable property - capability for regeneration.
regimes with regeneration are used actively in the quantum engine.
The capability of the quantum engines for energy regeneration during
thrust ensures the most economical power cycles of the quantum
engine. It is necessary to compensate the energy losses due to
friction in the mechanisms of the engine and ohmic losses in the
electrical wires and the windings of the activators. In comparison
with the traditional internal combustion engine (ICE) and the jet
engine, the efficiency of the quantum engine for the generation of
thrust can exceed that of the traditional engines 20 or more times.
Let us compare the regimes of motion of an expedition to Mars along
the ballistic trajectory as far as the inertia and the trajectories
of motion in the regime of acceleration - braking with regeneration
are concerned. In both cases, the path integral which determines
power consumption for motion, excluding losses, is equal to zero.
However, in the case of motion the acceleration-braking regime, using
a quantum engine, we repeatedly gain in the duration of the
expedition, completely compensating weightlessness [9]. In this case,
the quantum engine works in the regime of constant conversion and
energy exchange of superstrong electromagnetic interaction (SEI).
would seem that the patent [9] describes in a simple manner the
construction of the operating units (activators) of the quantum
engine and the principle of its operation. But this is done only
theoretically. The patent does not stipulated the modes of powering
the operating units and the materials from which they are made. Even
the author of this development had to face serious problems in
creating the quantum engine and determining the thrust regime during
operation of the engine. Two years of intense work were required for
this. It was encouraging that immediately it was possible to generate
a small thrust of 0.1 N, and this thrust was then further increased.
two years (2007-2009) of experimental work it was possible to
increase the thrust from 0.1 N to 500 N with the mass of apparatus
being 50 kg together with the chassis. The diameter of the apparatus
of was 1.5 m, the height 1.05 m together with the chassis (photo). It
can be concluded that the earth’s gravity was overcome with the aid
of the quantum engine. Outwardly the apparatus resembles a small
flying saucer (or saucepan), but this does not mean that the
apparatus must have the form of a ‘plate’. It can be any form.
Unusual even for the author was to observe the motion of the
apparatus which has no screws, jet nozzle and drive for the wheels.
High stability is typical of the work of the quantum engine. The
effect of generating thrust without the ejection of reactive mass
during the operation of the quantum engine did not disappear even
after 6 months in repeated tests. This fundamental effect is always
well reproduced. An apparatus with the thrust of 5000 N weighing 100
kg is being prepared for tests. If everything goes without problems,
then its flights will be demonstrated at the Moscow Aerospace Salon
(MAKS) at Zhukovskiy in the Moscow region. The results of tests and
design features of the quantum engine, the procedure for calculation
of operating units for the given thrust and the operating modes, will
be examined in the second volume of Quantum Energetics.
principle, there are no special limitations on the thrust of quantum
engines. A procedure has been developed for calculation of the design
parameters of the quantum engine for any thrusts, including 100 tons
(1000 N), 1000 tons (10000 N) and more. High efficiency is the
distinctive special feature of the quantum engines since the quantum
engines do not use the uneconomical thermodynamic cycles. They use
exchange cycles inside the energy-consuming quantised space-time. The
construction of interplanetary spacecraft of the new generation with
the complete compensation for weightlessness becomes reality. The
organization of an international expedition to Mars with the
participation of the European Union, USA and Russia and other
countries will become possible.
should be noted that the quantum engine is a relatively complex
construction with the complex electronic control system. It is an
expensive apparatus and its repeated construction can be ensured only
by powerful organizations with the participation of specialists in
the region of the theory of Superunification. However, no specialists
are being trained in this area at the moment. It is hoped that when
this book is published, its content will be accepted the university
courses of physics and power engineering, giving new knowledge to
future specialists.
the other hand, the efficiency of the quantum engine is the thorough
experimental verification of the theory of Superunification which
predicted similar effects and they have been confirmed
experimentally. Most importantly, the efficiency of the quantum
engine proves that the vacuum has a structure in the form of
quantised space-time with which it is possible actively to interact.
Prior to starting the series production of quantum engines, it would
be desirable for independent laboratories to study of the processes
of the interaction of the simplest operating units with the quantised
space-time, investigating its elastic properties. This is new
knowledge which will have to be acquired. A simple and inexpensive
instrument, which can be repeated in any university laboratory, has
be constructed and is proposed for repetition below, or it can be
ordered from us.
Leonov V.S. Russian Federation patent No. 2185526. A method of
generation of thrust in vacuum and a field engine for a spaceship
(variants), Bull. 20, 2002.
Video: The tests 2009 of a quantum pulsed engine for generating thrust without the ejection of reactive mass.
Video: The tests 2009 of a quantum pulsed engine for generating thrust without the ejection of reactive mass.
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